Enterprise Framework

Software Solutions in the Enterprise

C# Version of Pipe

C# Version of Pipe in Angular RxJS 

Do you like the Pipe function in angular rsjx?   Want a C# version?  You can use IEnumerable.Aggregate

Below is an XUnit Test

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Xunit;

namespace PipeTest
    public class UnitTest1
        public void Test2()
            Func<int, int>[] funcs = { AddOne, AddTwo, AddThree, AddFour };

            int initialValue = 1;

            int finalTotal = Pipe(initialValue, funcs);

            Assert.Equal(11, finalTotal);

        public int Pipe(int initialValue, Func<int, int>[] funcs)
            int finalTotal =
                                    (accumulator, next) => next(accumulator),
                                    finalResult => {
                                        return finalResult;

            return finalTotal;

        public int AddOne(int value)
            return value + 1;

        public int AddTwo(int value)
            return value + 2;

        public int AddThree(int value)
            return value + 3;

        public int AddFour(int value)
            return value + 4;